Family Education and Support Services
Our professionally facilitated workshops are designed for families who are living with someone who is actively abusing substances. This three-part series will address the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction; the role of the family; and treatment modalities for addiction. Conducted in a supportive group setting, we encourage entire families to attend together. Completion of our series is often a first step towards conducting a planned family intervention.
Family Education Series
Attend our Family Education Series to learn about addiction and develop strategies and resources for coping with the disease of addiction. LICADD offers this series as an individual family service that can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you and your family members. A trained member of the clinical team will take you through the series in a private and confidential setting where you can ask questions and gather information that directly address your unique needs as a family.
SESSION 1: The Disease of Addiction
SESSION 2: The Role of the Family
SESSION 3: Treatment Options for Substance Use Disorders
Family Interventions
Planned family interventions are available for families who have a loved one that is struggling with substance use and who has refused to accept help despite multiple efforts by family members. All family members who wish to participate must complete a Family Intervention Consultation with a LICADD clinician, and will receive Family Education. We offer ongoing support to the family and struggling individual for months beyond the intervention itself.
Prevention through Education
LICADD provides alcohol and other drug risk education for individuals, families, and communities from kindergarten through adulthood. Our evidence-based programs include Too Good for Drugs, Teen Intervene, and Life Skills. Our Student Assistance Program delivers comprehensive services to educators, parents, and high school students. Our educational services include adolescent evaluations, elementary and middle school interactive modules, support services for children of addicted parents and parent-child communication workshops. A broad range of problem-solving presentations can be custom designed and delivered upon demand for higher education institutions, business groups, faith-based, and community organizations.
Mentoring Services
LICADD’s BUDDY Mentoring Program delivers a wide range of support services to at-risk children of incarcerated parents helping to break the multi-generational cycle of addiction and incarceration. Adult peer-to-peer mentoring services deliver a full range of transitional services to aid the successful transition and re-entry process for ex-offenders back to the community.
Criminal Justice System Alliances
LICADD implements state-of-the-art diagnostic evaluations, recommendations and treatment referral services for county attorneys, and probation services in connection with substance use disorder and anger-related offenses.
LICADD is proud to partner with the Suffolk County Correctional Facilities and the Suffolk County Police Department to provide a range of services to at-risk incarcerated Long Islanders, including cutting edge outreach programs like PIVOT and diverse group services in the Riverhead and Yophank Correctional Facilities.
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